
Huntington Secondary School

York City Council




9 Weeks



As part of the Pagabo framework, we were allocated a contract to undertake works to Huntington Secondary School for York City Council. Works on this contract involved modifications to the front entrance porch, replacement of various roof coverings, skylights and rainwater goods, removal and replacement of suspended ceilings and replacement of high level windows in the main hall. Works also included upgrades to lighting within the corridors and science labs, the relocation of calorifiers and works to the main plant room.

The majority of works on this contract were undertaken during the summer months whilst the school was at its quietest. However, we took cognisance of the fact that teachers would require continued access to the school should it be required. Therefore, we ensured all our staff on site were trained to take cognisance of the nature of the school and ensure the safety of the staff.

One of the risks on this project was the potential of increased activity of unaccompanied school children in and around the school grounds, particularly when collecting exam results. Due to this, we ensured our site was fully enclosed and vehicle gates locked at all times. Seperate pedestrian gate was put in place for access to site establishment compound. We further managed this risk by ensuring work areas were clearly signed and police were notified of works to ensure community engagement.

Another risk involved was the access and egress to the roof for window and roofing scope. We used a "haki staircase" with edge protection instead of ladders to mitigate the risk of fall from height.

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